Transit Alert

What is Transit Alert?

This website was created to help people get off at their stop. What we mean by that is many things can happen on the bus; you can get distracted, fall asleep, or not know where to get off. This website will alert you one stop before you get off, like that you can get ready and not miss it. We created Transit Alert in a way that allows you to open it through your phone's web browser. Transit Alert can also be accessed mobiliy through other devices.

Plans for the future

We are planning to turn our website into a app, for easier accessibility. The goal is to have all have all the CTA bus routes, then go into the CTA train lines. We also plan to add the Metra Train lines. Before we add any of the other train lines, we would have to find a way to get a signal in the train tunnels. For now we are taking things one step at a time, to make sure that our program's foundation is the best it could be.