Getting Involved

There are a lot of ways to get involved. You could pass information to other people around you, vote, learn how to vote, be a believer yourself, and/or participate in non-violent protests.

What Can You Do


Voting is a very important process to determine our local, state, and federal officals. When an indivual is 18, or approching 18 in an election year, it is very important to register in order to have a say in what officals are put into office. However, the voting is not the end of the process, if an offical that you voted for or represents your area is doing something you do not agree with, contact them to voice your opinion. If this action is taken by many, change can be achieved.

Information about Attorneys and Courts

District Attorneys (DA) represents the state or local government in the prosecution during criminal trials. In addition to District Attorneys, there are Assitant District Attorneys (ADA), Chief Assistant Attorney (Chief ADA), and First Assistant District Attorney (First ADA). Below are links leading to information regarding the District Attorneys in all nine Bay Area counties.

A Superior Court is the basic county trial court. In California, there are 58 trial courts. Superior courts hear casues related to criminal cases, jury duty, juvenile delinquency, probate cases, small claims cases, traffic court and family court. Below is a link showing all of the judges in every California Superior Court.

Below are links are information regarding information about the superior courts for each of the nine Bay Area Counties. Information about Superior Court Jugdes is extremely important as to know the activities of the judges, and to take action if the actions are not in line with waht you believe.