We Inform

This site contains resources surrounding mental illness and related topics. Mental illnesses are defined as health conditions involving changes in thinking, emotion and/or behavior. They are medical problems and can be life threatening, just like a heart condition or cancer, but are often not seen as serious. However, they are extremely common and they are nothingg to be ashamed of.


Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a very common and serious illness that involves irrational feelings of sadness, loss of activities, physical problems and more. There are many types of depression, including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and manic depression (better known as bipolar disorder).

Below are some resources on what the symptoms of these disorders are and how they work.

Click here for information about depression.


Anxiety is a normal thing to experience and can even be helpful in some situations, but when it is excessive and will not go away it becomes a problem. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America, and there are many treatments for it, but despite this many still don't understand what it is. It is much more than just feeling nervous and can have serious detrimental social and health effects.

Below are some resources on what the symptoms of these disorders are and how they work.

Click here for information about anxiety disorders.

Eating Disorders

Click here for information about eating disorders.


Click here for information about addiction