What is
Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes changes in mood, energy, and one’s ability to function. It can last days, weeks, years, or even a lifetime. People with bipolar disorder have extreme mood swings, along with changes in sleep and energy. There are three types of bipolar disorders: bipolar disorder I, bipolar disorder II, and cyclothymia. Bipolar disorder I is when you have manic episodes for over a week, bipolar disorder II is when you have lots of depressive episodes and some hypomanic episodes, and cyclothymia is when you have some depressive episodes and lots of hypomanic episodes.

Symptoms of Manic and Depressive Episodes:

Manic Episode:

Depressive Episode:

"the next time you fall, remember you can
always get back up and keep going."
Sources: PsychCentral, Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Bipolar Lives, PsychGuides, Molly Ho Studio