emotional + social
self care


What is emotional self-care? There are various definitions but in simple terms, emotional self-care is recognizing your thoughts and feelings and respectfully caring for them and your emotions. Emotional self-care is crucial for good overall self-care. Ignoring and burying your emotions can lead to burnout and breakdowns. Getting in touch with and understanding your thoughts and feelings can help you create a healthy relationship with your emotions and yourself.

Here are some techniques to practice emotional self-care:

This is a link to a book about emotional self care.


What is social self-care? Social self-care is connecting with others to maintain your health. It means being aware that you are not alone and having people who you can rely on. Having people who listen to you when you need to talk can lead to a healthy and calm mind.It also means remembering that others have gone through the same difficulties as you. Your friends, family, and even strangers are some examples of a social network. There are four types of social self-support: emotional, tangible, esteem, and informational. Emotional support is where you feel loved and cared for. Tangible support is where others take your responsibilities so that you can focus on the important problem. Esteem support is where others express that they believe in you. Informational support is where others give advice to you and share information with you.

Here are some examples of social self care activities:

VolunteerMatch and Meetup are great places to fulfill your social self care needs.

Sources: Carley Schweet, Habits for Well Being, Very Well Mind, Psychology Today